Water purification information

What is the difference between safe water and healthy water?

Views : 69535
Update time : 2021-12-22 15:11:30
Healthy and safe water can enhance the body’s immunity and promote cell metabolism. The diseased cells in the body lose the conditions for malignant transformation and the spread of toxins, and the probability of people getting sick will naturally decrease; therefore, we must supplement our health. Good water, and strive to create a healthy living environment for cells. Therefore, cherish health, please pay attention to healthy drinking water first!
However, many people don't know what good water is, and they are at a loss as to which water to drink. According to Dr. Martin Fox, a famous American expert on healthy drinking water, "Healthy Water", "Water is the Best Medicine", "Water Is the Best Medicine", "Drinking Water Can Cure Diseases", Dr. Lin Xiuguang of Japan, "Dying Due to Water", etc. The works, as well as relevant national standards, summarize the following characteristics of Good Water for reference:

1. Non-toxic, sterile, no pollutants, no harmful substances
There must be no residual chlorine, rust, sediment, bloodworms, heavy metals, organic compounds and other toxic and harmful substances in the water.

2. Appropriate amount of oxygen, good taste, can be drunk directly
Water in nature is flowing "living water", not static "dead water". As the saying goes, flowing water does not rot, and household hinges are not worms. Flowing water is the active water with vitality. This kind of water and oxygen is sufficient and beneficial to life. The oxygen standard of good water is (about 5mg/L).

3. Moderate water hardness
The total hardness of water is the content of calcium and magnesium ions in the water. Our national standard is ≤450mg/L.
4. The total water solubility (mineral and trace elements) is moderate
The total dissolved solids TDS refers to the total amount of various minerals in the water. TDS is used to measure all minerals in drinking water. TDS includes not only calcium and magnesium, but also zinc, potassium, sodium, selenium and so on. The limit standard of total dissolved solids in my country's "Sanitary Standards for Drinking Water" is 1000mg/L.

5. The pH of the water is weakly alkaline
Regarding the pH of water, the most famous expert is Lin Xiuguang of Japan. He has the famous book "Dead by Water". He pointed out that acidification of the human body is the source of all diseases. When more and more acid elements are stored in the body, they continue to accumulate, and the changes in quantity cause qualitative changes, and diseases will occur.

It is medically proven that human body fluids are in a state of internal alkali and external acid. The skin of the human body is weakly acidic. In a healthy human body, the blood pH value is between 7.35 and 7.45, the bile pH is 7.4, and the islet pH is 7.8-8.4; if the body fluid tends to be acidic, the function of human cells will be worse. , The waste is not easy to be discharged, the burden on the kidneys and liver will increase, the metabolism will be slow, the function of various organs will be weakened, and it will be easy to get sick. People with acidic physique are prone to fatigue and accelerate aging.

6. The molecular clusters of water should be small

Japanese water expert, Mr. Matsushita, is the director of Japan Life Water Research Institute. He discovered that water does not exist alone by a single water molecule, but in the form of a moving group with a minimum of 5 molecules or more. Mr. Matsushita went to many places in the world to observe various types of water. The information obtained shows that the water molecule groups with delicious water quality are very small, and the water movement speed is fast when the water molecule group is small.

Finally, Mr. Matsushita pointed out: "The most representative water that is beneficial to the body is weakly alkaline small molecular cluster water. After a person drinks weakly alkaline small molecular cluster water, fat will be broken down. This alone is enough. Maintain healthy internal organs. Because the weakly alkaline small molecular clusters of water are very close to body fluids. Moreover, when the water molecular clusters are small, the activities of the intestinal microorganisms will become more active and the nutrient metabolism will be more vigorous."

The molecular clusters of water are generally detected by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Above 100HZ is macromolecular water, such as tap water. Below 100HZ is small molecule water.

7. Water has strong physiological functions
The physiological function of good water is stronger. It must have penetration, dissolution, metabolism, and so on. This is also very important.

Tap water is safe water, but it cannot be called healthy water.
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